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Cub Scouts Pack 2 - Clifton Forge, Va.
Pinewood Derby Rules


Race starts TBASharp!
Weigh-In will be the Night before TBA.
This year there WILL be an entry fee for ALL cars both in the family division and the cub division!
Entry Fee is: TBA
After derby is over we will need help taking the track down and cleaning up. PLEASE STAY TO HELP!!! 
We have a list of fathers who will help cut boys cars if they do not have tools of their own to do so. Please let me know if you need help.

Pinewood Derby Rules/Registration

1)Vehicles or parts thereof that raced in last year's OR previous year's Pack Pinewod Derbies MAY NOT be reentered for this year's event. ONLY new cars that were made for this race will will be permitted.

2) Cars must be made by the SCOUT. Help with cutting and carving from an adult is fine. If an adult wants to work on a car, please make your own and enter it in the family race. This will make the race fair for all scouts.

3)Cars should be made from the Official BSA Grand Prix Derby Kits. YOU CAN NOT USE PRE-CUT CARS IN THE RACE. YOU MUST GET THE KIT THAT HAS THE BLOCK OF WOOD IN IT AND DESIGN AND CUT CAR YOURSELF. NOT PRE-CUT OR PRE-PAINTED CARS WILL BE ALLOWED TO RACE! Kits can be purchased at the Shoe Box in Covington or any BSA Scouting Store.

4) Only Axles and Wheels that come with the Official Derby Kit can be used.

5) WHEELS OR AXLES CAN NOT BE ALTERED IN ANY WAY. (NO Thinning, reshaping....)

6) Powdered graphite and powdered teflon and the ONLY lubricant to be used.

7) Width shall not exceed 2 3/4 inches, Length shall not exceed 7 inches.

8) The distance from the track to the bottom of the car should be 3/8.

9) Weight shall not exceed 5 ounces/140 grams. Scale at derby will be considered final.

10)Wheel bearings, washers and bushings are PROHIBITED.

11) Car shall not ride on any type of springs.

12) Car must be freewheeling, with no starting devices.

13) Any detailing added must be within length, width, and weight limits.

14) If car becomes damaged in a race, owner will have a limited time to fix car. Timed allowed will be 5 minutes for repairs.

15) Ungentlemanly or Unsportsmanlike Conduct by a Cub will be grounds for disqualification from all competition and removal from the race area. Ungentlemanly or unsportsmanlike conduct by a member of the audience will be grounds for removal from the race area. REMEMBER the scouts look forward to this race all year, It should be a fun day for the SCOUTS and the whole family!!!!!

16) Judges decision is final.

17) Cars will be also judged for appearance.

18) There will be a Pack 1, 2 and 3 place winner for speed. There will be a Pack 1, 2 and 3 place winner for appearance. There will be an award for each Den for 1, 2 and 3 place winners

19) Additional awards may be awarded.

20)If your car is not weighed in the night before race, YOU MAY NOT RACE!

21)There will be a Derby Committee that will inspect cars the night before race. If your car is found not to pass inspection, you will be unable to race. Once your car is registered you may not fix car and reregister the car. SO PLEASE follow all rules so your SCOUT can participate.

22) There will be a fee of $2.50 to register your car.

~ There is a Pinewood Derby Guidebook in the scout room on the wall. PLEASE DO NOT remove from scout room. You are welcome to look at it any time while in the room. More rules are found in the guidebook.

** Pack rules may be slightly different then in book, read Pack rules above first.**

Registration Night

The cars will be registered on _____________from 6:00-8:30 p.m..

At registration the following will take place.

1. Cars will be weighted. This is the time to make adjustments, however all adjustments must be made by 8:30pm.

2. Cars will be inspected. If it is found by the Committee that your car does not meet the guidelines/rules your car will be disqualified.

3. Cars will be registered in your child’s name. At this point cars can not be touched or altered in anyway.

4. Cars will be placed in a box, taped shut and not reopened until the race. The only time any alterations will be permitted, is if your car would become damaged during the race.


By signing this your are stating that you as a Parent of a Boyscout understands the above conditions and wish to register your son in the 2004 Pinewood Derby Race.

Name of Boyscout______________________________________________________________

Den Number_________

Parents Signture_______________________________________________________________________
