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Cub Scouts Pack 2 - Clifton Forge, Va.
Leaders/Committee Meetings & Training

TRAINING 2005-2006:
School Night Orientation
Longdale United Meth. Church
7:00 pm
Aug. 17, 2005
Fast Start Training
All leaders, Asst. Leaders and Committee members need to take Fast Start. Please go to District Web Site and take the training online at www.bsa-sjac.org
Youth Protection 
If you have not attended this class, please visit the district web site to take it online. You will need to take the class when it is offered in 2005-2006. www.bsa-sjac.org
WILL NOT BE ONE IN 2005-2006
Mark your calendars NOW for the biggest, most comprehensive Scout Leader training opportunity in SJAC. It is a day long event with tons of "practical" sessions to help Cub Leaders, Boy Scout eaders and District Personnel. This takes teh place of a POW-WOW.
Cost TBA includes patch & handouts. Cost after TBA is $10.00.
Lunch : TBA
 Pre-Registration is TBA First come first serve. Bring 3 ring binder for handouts, Lunch or money for lunch, pen & pencil & paper, Willingness to learn something new, and a fellow scouter.
POW-WOW Training
The POW-WOW will be held on NOVEMBER 5
Cost: $15.00
August Military Academy, Fort Defiance, Va. 8am-5pm
See your Sept. Saddle Bags Newsletter for information. If you did not get one please let me know. This training is a fun filled day for all leaders and asst leaders. Scout age boys may attend for a fee.
TBA (both weekend required) Camp Shenandoah
Cub Scout Basic Training
Trinity United Meth. Church
Oct. 22, 2005
9:00-12:00 New leader Essentials
1:00-4:00 Cub Scout Leader Specific Training *if you moved up in rank as a leader you should take this second part.
Alleghany Reg. Hospital
March 25, 2006
9:00-11:30 Cub Scout New leader Essentials
12:00-3:00 New Leader Specific
Boy Scout Basic Training
TBA Alleghany Regional Medical Center
Leader Specific Training
ARH 12-3pm March 25, 2006
OWL Training
BALOO Training
April 8, 2006, 8am-5pm Camp Shenandoah
$10 is paid by TBA. ($15 if late)SEE COUNCIL WEBSITE  www.BSA-SJAC.ORG
Webelos Outdoor Leader Training
April 7-8, 2006  Camp Shenandoah
$20 if paid by TBA ($25 is late) SEE COUNCIL WEBSITE www.BSA-SJAC.org
Some good information for Den leaders & Asst. Den Leaders http://www.cubmaster.org/

Sept.??,  6:45 pm at Sharon Senior Center-Near Sharon Firehouse.
Theme: ??
ALL Leaders and Asst. Leaders should be attending every roundtable. Committee members are welcome to attend.
Committee/Leaders Meeting:
Aug. 16, 6:45pm
Cub room. All Leaders and parents are welcome to attend.

The training program consists of these levels:

Fast Start Orientation: a quick overview designed to immediately orient leaders to their Scouting role before their first meeting with youth. These courses consist of a brief video presentation, a Viewer Guide, and a visit from an experienced volunteer. Many units own copies of the video and have experienced volunteers available to train others. The video can also be borrowed from the council service center.

New Leader Essentials: a course designed for all Scouting volunteers that provides the basics of the Scouting programs, the age-appropriateness of those programs, and Scoutings values and methods.

Leader Specific Training: a set of instructor-led courses designed to provide in-depth information for a new leader in a specific leadership position. These courses include Cub Scout Leader Training, Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmaster Training, Troop Committee Training, and Adult Venturing Leader Training.

Supplemental Training: a variety of specialized courses designed to provide continuous learning in specific areas of Scouting. These courses vary greatly in content, and are usually designed for leaders who have already participated in the appropriate Leader Specific Training for their positions.

Advanced Training: Wood Badge is the advanced training program for all Scouting leaders. It is an intensive learning experience focusing on leadership skills and their application.

Youth Training: Several courses are available for youth leadership in Boy Scouting and Venturing. Training may be position-specific or more general.

Youth Protection Training: This 90-minute course is available to all leaders, parents, and interested adults. The course is designed to help adults learn how to recognize and protect children from abuse. Retake this training every 2 years.
(Borrowed from Rip Van Winkle Council)

Training Roadmap
A specific set of training experiences has been designed for each Scouting leadership position. To find which courses you should take, find your position in the left column of the table below. If you change positions in the future (for example, if you are now a Cub Scout Den Leader and you become a Webelos Den Leader), you should refer to this chart to determine which new training you will need.

You should plan to participate in Fast Start, New Leader Essentials, and Leader Specific Training for your position as soon as possible after you volunteer. You are also strongly encouraged to participate in supplemental training, and to consider advanced training when your experience warrants.

If you are a: Your Orientation Training is: Your Basic Training is: You should also take these Supplemental Training courses:
Tiger Cub Den Leader or Assistant Tiger Cub Den Leader Tiger Cub Den Leader Fast Start

New Leader Essetials and Cub Scout Leader Training

Cub Scout Leader Roundtable, BALOO Training, University of Scouting, Cub Scout Leader Pow Wow, Youth Protection Training
Cub Scout Den Leader or Assistant Cub Scout Den Leader Cub Scout Den Leader Fast Start New Leader Essentials and Cub Scout Leader Training Cub Scout Leader Roundtable, BALOO Training, University of Scouting, Cub Scout Leader Pow Wow, Youth Protection Training
Webelos Den Leader or Assistant Webelos Den Leader Webelos Den Leader Fast Start New Leader Essential and Cub SCout Leader Training Cub Scout Leader Roundtable, BALOO Training, University of Scouting, Cub Scout Leader Pow Wow, Outdoor Webelos Leader Training, Youth Protection Training
Cubmaster or Assistant Cubmaster Cubmaster Fast Start New Leader Essentials and Cub Scout Leader Training Cub Scout Leader Roundtable, BALOO Training, University of Scouting, Cub Scout Leader Pow Wow, Youth Protection Training
Pack Committee Chair or Member Pack Committee Member Fast Start New Leader Essentials and Cub Scout Leader Training Cub Scout Leader Roundtable, BALOO Training, University of Scouting, Cub Scout Leader Pow Wow, Youth Protection Training
Scoutmaster or Assistant Scoutmaster Scoutmaster Fast Start New Leader Essentials and Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmaster Training Boy Scout Leader Roundtable, University of Scouting, Safe Swim Defense/Safety Afloat, Youth Protection Training
Troop Committee Chair or Member Troop Committee Fast Start New Leader Essentials and Troop Committee Training Boy Scout Leader Roundtable, University of Scouting, Safe Swim Defense/Safety Afloat, Youth Protection Training
Venturing Crew Advisor, Associate Advisor, or Crew Committee Member Venturing Leader Fast Start New Leader Essentials and Adult Venturing Leader Training University of Scouting, Safe Swim Defense/Safety Afloat, Youth Protection Training, Venturing Skills Workshop
Chartered Organization Representative Chartered Organization Representative Fast Start

New Leader

 Essentials, and Chartered Organization Representative Training

Cub Scout Leader Roundtable, Boy Scout Leader Roundtable, University of Scouting, Youth Protection Training
Commissioner Commissioner Fast Start New Leader Essentials and Commissioner Basic Training Cub Scout Leader Roundtable, Boy Scout Leader Roundtable, University of Scouting Key Leader Workshop, Youth Protection Training
District Committee Member   New Leader Essentials and District Committee Workshop Cub Scout Leader Roundtable, Boy Scout Leader Roundtable, University of Scouting, Key Leader Workshop,Youth Protection Training

If any leader did not receive your Saddlebags News Letter in the mail,  Please go to the district web site to read it. www.bsa-sjac.org This news letter has information about what is going on with in the council. Page 1,3,6,7 are the major pages you need to read. Page 3 serves Alleghany County.